- Bookcases
Affordable and durable, these high-quality shelving units give you a place for books, music, and many of your other day-to-day teaching aids.
- Fixed Media Cabinet
Customizable storage cabinets designed especially for media and audio visual equipment storage.
- Mobile Band/Orchestra Folio Cabinet
Wenger’s Mobile Folio Cabinets are a great way to make your choral or band/orchestra music portable.
- Mobile Choral Folio Cabinet
Wenger’s Mobile Folio Cabinets are a great way to make your choral or band/orchestra music portable.
- Mobile Media Cabinet
Customizable mobile storage cabinets designed especially for media and audio visual equipment storage and transport
- Music Sorting Rack
Sort your scores by instrument and roll it from your music library to rehearsal or performance. Strong, stable design will stand up to years of use.
- ORFFgarage Cabinet
Custom space for ORFFmobile cart. Protects instruments and keeps them accessible.